Memories of
Author: Heath, May Francis
Publisher: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company;
James A. Aliber was born in Genesee County, New York, May 10, 1853,
when but a child he came with his parents to Newark, Michigan, where he lived
for 67 years. As a young man he found employment in the merchantile
business of Burns and Whitney (this store was a present site of Maplewood), and
afterward bought out the firm and moving the goods to the store now known as
the Cozy Coffee Cup, where he continued successfully 37 years. His was a most upright
life, honest himself, he believed others the same, and many a poor family did he
carry through a hard winter or time of misfortune, trusting to their honor to
pay him when times were better.
When a very young man he
united with the Congregational church where through all the years he was an
honorable and active worker. He held many positions of trust both in the
township and village and in everything he did, held the confidence of the
people for they never doubted his integrity.
On June 7, 1893, he was
married to Miss Katherine Lang of
Mrs. Aliber
died in 1918 and Mr. Aliber in 1920, when he was on
his way to