From: A Twentieth Century History of Allegan
County, Michigan
Henry F. ThomasPublished 1907, Lewis Publishing Co.
JOHN W. DICK, whose home is one of the fine farm residences of Saugatuck
township and who owns one hundred and fourteen acres of productive land, is one
of the citizens that
Prior to his marriage
Peter Dick located in Richland county, Ohio, and subsequent to that important
event in his life he removed to Williams county, where he resided until 1858,
when he took his family to Will county, Illinois. It was there that the subject
of this review was reared and educated.
At length selling out
his interests in
John W. Dick was reared
to farm life, the days of his boyhood and youth being passed in a manner
similar to that of most lads of the locality and period. He has never had
desire to change his occupation, but has always followed farming, which George
Washington said "Is the most useful as well as the most honorable
occupation of man."
On March 12, 1874, was
celebrated the marriage of Mr. Dick and Miss Lorettie
F. Walker, who was born in
It is a beautiful and
comfortable dwelling, tastefully furnished, and one of its chief charms is its
cordial hospitality, which is extended to the many friends of the family. Mr.
Dick is an earnest advocate of Republican principles, and as every
public-spirited citizen should do, feels an interest in the political situation
of the country. He has served his township in the capacity of highway
commissioner and was also moderator of the school board for nine years. He
holds membership in the