Memories of
Author: Heath, May Francis
Publisher: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company;
At the close of the
Civil War George E. Dunn who had honorably and ably served throughout the
siege, came to Saugatuck with his wife, who formerly was Ellen Victoria Dickinson,
and they lived north of town where he had a sash, door and blind factory, and
the Dunn home is the one now occupied by Sam Dailey and family, which house was
built by Mr. Dunn.
The Dunns
were of English parentage, and his father was an early settler in Ganges and
the old ancestral home is now occupied by Mable Dunn McKeever, who is sole survivor of her father's family, Will
dying in California, George in Chicago, and Helen, Mrs. John P. Wade, Jr., in
During their many years
residence in Saugatuck the Dunn's were active supporters of the Congregational
church, being of its charter members and the quaint old pulpit in the church
today is the one he made in his cabinet shop down on Water Street.
He was elected
His death in Ganges was
in 1905 but Mrs. Dunn lived to the grand old age of 87, and for many years she
had lived at the farm home in