Memories of
Author: Heath, May Francis
Publisher: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company;
W. G.
A resident of Saugatuck
sixty-five years, William Edgcomb was born in
When he came to Saugatuck he was engaged
in river boating and was engineer on the Ira Chaffee with Capt. Ed. Costain and it was on the Ira Chaffee that he met his fate—
Mrs. Costain was entertaining Ella Greenhalgh from Buffalo, N. Y. and made the introduction—it
was a case of mutual admiration and in 1868 they were happily married enjoying sixty-one
years of companionship, which was broken by his death.
For sixty-one years they
resided in the same house, and here four children were born, William; Nellie,
who died in 1890; Charles and Morgan.
He was closely allied
with the Masonic order of which he was Past Master; also a Past Patron O. E. S.
He held office of Justice of Peace for ten years and held many village
positions of trust.
Mrs. Edgcomb
and son, Charles, reside at the family home.