From: A Twentieth Century History of Allegan
County, Michigan
Henry F. ThomasPublished 1907, Lewis Publishing Co.
EDWIN H. HOUSE, working
industriously and unremittingly in the operation and improvement of his farm in
Saugatuck township, is making steady progress in his business career and at the
same time finds opportunity to keep in touch with the trend of modern thought,
for an air of intellectual culture as well as business activity pervades his
home. He was born May 6, 1875, on the farm where he still resides, his parents
being H. L. and Jessie M. (Wright) House, who were natives of
They became residents of
Saugatuck township, Allegan county, in August, 1868,
and Mr. House was one of the first to engage in the cultivation of fruit north
of the
He died July 7, 1897, at
the age of seventy-two years, and is still survived by his widow, who resides
on the old homestead. In her younger days she engaged in teaching for several
years in the Ward schoolhouse, this being about 1871 and 1873. She was ever an
able helpmeet to her husband, assisting and encouraging him.
When they took
possession of the farm it was in its primitive condition, but Mr. House
resolutely undertook the task of clearing and developing it, and it is today
one of the model fruit farms of Saugatuck township. Here Mr. and Mrs. House
reared their family of three sons and two daughters, Dr. Walter B. House, who is
a practicing physician in
His education has been
liberal and thorough. In addition to the usual literary branches, he pursued a
full course in the
The buildings upon the
place are neat, roomy and comfortable and the farm presents a most thrifty and
well kept appearance. It comprises eighty acres, on which are two thousand
fruit trees, the orchards containing apples, pears, peaches and cherries. Mr.
House is making good use of his opportunities and the years are bringing to him
well merited success.
Books and periodicals
indicate the literary taste of Mr. and Mrs. House, who find congenial companionship
in the master minds of all ages. In community affairs Mr. House is interested
and is now serving on the school board and the board of review, while in the
Congregational church of which he is a member, he is now serving as a trustee.