Gazetteer Of Washington County, Vt. 1783-1899,
Compiled and Published by Hamilton Child,
Edited By William Adams.
The Syracuse Journal Company, Printers and Binders.
was born in Windham, N. H., in 1788 or 1789. He left home at the age of
eighteen years, and resided the ensuing seven years in
He then went to
Mrs. MORRISON died
October 27, 1867. Their children were Stephen A., a prominent business man of
MORRISON is a staunch Democrat in a strong Republican town, but such is his
popularity and ability that he has been selectman, lister,
and justice of the peace many terms. He married, first, Miss
Sabrina GALE, who was the mother of M. Eugene, now employed in the office of
the C., R. I. & P. R. R. Co., in Chicago, and John GALE, of the firm of
RAWSON & MORRISON, manufacturers of portable and stationary steam engines
and machinery, and dealers in boilers, etc, He is also of the firms of MORRISON
& FITTS, dry goods, and G. J. TOWNE & Co., grocers, of Barre. His second wife, Mary TAFT, is the mother of his
children Maud M. and Merle M."