Memories of Saugatuck, Michigan : 1830-1930
Author: Heath, May Francis
Publisher: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company; Grand Rapids, Mich: 1930
Charles Shriver a
brother of Henry, was born in Buffalo, N. Y., in 1842 and has the same
ancestral history. In the early sixties he came to Saugatuck where the two
brothers engaged in commercial fishing, and lived at the Shriver's Bend, and
here Charlie Shriver built a large home which in after years was used for
summer boarders and now is the dining room and reception room for the Summer
School of Painting.
Mr. Shriver was married
to Miss Marie Vadney Greenhalgh
and to whom were born four childen, Henry, dying in
childhood; Mary M., now Mrs. Clarence Lynds; Lillie
Ellen, Mrs. Donald Blair and Charles, who died in Chicago in 1914.
Mr. and Mrs. Shriver
were most congenial, hospitable people and were known to every one as
"Uncle Charlie" and "Aunt Kit," and the townspeople always
responded when invited to the Shriver home at the bend. It was a tragic day in
August, 1905, when Mr. Shriver went to lift the nets in Lake
Michigan. He was accompanied by a Mr. Lindsey, a building
inspector of Chicago
who was guest at the Shriver home. They were in a small sail boat and no one
will ever know what happened for they were never seen again, nor were the
bodies recovered but pieces of the boat were picked up along the shore, also
the little dog that always went in the boat with Mr. Shriver.
With his going the
fishing industries of the mouth were closed and now only memories linger over
the old place of olden days.