From: A Twentieth Century History of Allegan
County, Michigan
Henry F. ThomasPublished 1907, Lewis Publishing Co.
known and prosperous farmer of Saugatuck township and one of the large
fruit-growers north of the Kalamazoo river, manifests in his business career
the unfaltering industry and perseverance which have- ever been dominant
characteristics of the Norwegian race. A native of the land of the midnight
sun, he was born April 28, 1835, ms Parents being Simon and Carrie Hanson, both
of whom were natives of Norway.
In their family were six children, five of whom came to this country, namely,
Hans, Andrew, Julia, Martha and Simon.
The last named remained
a resident of his native country until about twenty-eight years of age and during
that period acquired a fair education in his youth and was trained to habits of
industry and frugality, which have in later years borne rich fruit in his
active business life. The year 1863 witnessed his emigration to the United States
and in 1871 he bought his first farm in Saugatuck township.
The land was in its primitive condition but the sound of his ax soon awakened
the echoes of the forest and the track of the plow had in a brief time soon
crossed the fields. Thus the wild land was converted into a productive farm,
which soon brought him substantial returns for his labor. To his original
purchase he kept adding from time to time as his financial resources increased
until he had acquired one hundred acres, the last purchase being made in 1886. He
is one of the extensive fruit growers north of the Kalamazoo river and
in former years he had eighty acres devoted to peaches and apples, but has
reduced his peach orchards to five acres. He now has two hundred pear trees and
four hundred cherry treees, besides much small fruit,
including strawberries and blackberries. In addition to his work along
horticultural lines he carries on general farming on an extensive scale. He has
erected a commodious and comfortable residence with a basement under the house
and his is one of the attractive country homes of the locality.
January 26, 1866, Mr.
Simonson was united in marriage to Miss Marie Olson, a daughter of John and Malena Olson. She was born in Norway,
and with her parents came to the United States in 1855. Her mother
died that year and her father married for his second wife Enger
Peterson. There were six children by the first marriage and three by the second.
He became the owner of eighty acres of land in this county, on which he resided
from 1857 until his death, which occurred in 1884. His wife survived him until
1891. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Simonson have been born seven
children: Charles, Caroline and Carrie, all deceased; Sophia, Josephine, Herman
C. and Martha. The family are members of the Lutheran
church and are highly respected by their neighbors as people of genuine
personal worth. Mr. Simonson has lived a life of unremitting industry and unabating energy, acquiring all that he now possesses
through his own labors.